Sunday 13 November 2016

Donald Trump Does NOT Want To Live At The White House — But He Sure Wants To Keep Holding Rallies!

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In a new bombshell from the New York Times, two interesting facts are quickly coming to light about Donald Trump.
First: he doesn't want to live at the White House — especially not full-time.
And second: he wants to keep holding (pointless and unnecessary) rallies after taking office — so he can bask in the glow of people cheering him.
America elected a narcissist — so is it any wonder he wants to maintain his old, lavish lifestyle AND continue to hold rallies even after taking office??
According to the report, Trump is "coming to grips with the fact that his life is about to change radically," and that means still trying to figure out whether he has to be at the White House all the time.
The Times shares:
"Mr. Trump, a homebody who often flew several hours late at night during the campaign so he could wake up in his own bed in Trump Tower, is talking with his advisers about how many nights a week he will spend in the White House. He has told them he would like to do what he is used to, which is spending time in New York when he can."
"When he can." We know what that means.
In a more ridiculous move than that, though, the Times also reports that Trump wants to keep holding rallies even after he's elected! There's absolutely no need for rallies, and nobody benefits by having them, but The Donald just wants to hear people screaming and cheering for him.
Let that sink in — Trump has never wanted to hold the office of President, and actually govern, make compromises, make deals, figure out policies, and do stuff. He only ever wanted to be congratulated and held up for it.
He wants to be called President. He doesn't want to be the President.

After all, the Times reports that he was "shocked when he won," and is intending to maintain as much of his pre-election life as he can.
Absolutely ridiculous. Get ready for a long, long four years…
This White House news is all ultimately silly and absurd, but we can't forget that for many people, the next four years will bring utter terror and unimaginable sadness.

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